our mission is...
...to bring young people closer to the museum and to the Milanese cultural scene.
...to create in the museum a place of reunion, dialogue and discussion, bringing together young people with the same passion for art.
...to make the museum a place where knowledge and citizen engagement come together and lead to a greater awareness of our artistic heritage.
Meetings and activities at the museum and around Milan
Parte il progetto L'arte non ha età
Presentazione del video animato Memo
e primi workshop di fotografia per nonni e nipoti in Museo
Our first virtual tours and digital games experiments...
First ArtBites meetings
We started promoting and communicating via social media
The volunteering group was founded
obiettivi per il futuro
Increasing and developing different initiatives for young people
Promoting the Museum in innovative ways
Experimenting with digital and creative activities in our Poldi Lab